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Wildlife Threatened In US

Bobcats, otters, deer, bears, and foxes need your help! Vote is imminent - email your representative today.

The Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Giant Sequoia, Muir Woods, and Death Valley – can you imagine an America without these wild places?

These spectacular areas boast some of the most amazing scenery around and are home to mountain lions, bobcats, black bears, river otters, gray foxes, and thousands more species. Unfortunately, a bill awaiting a vote in the House right now could put future national monuments – and the animals that call these special places home – in great danger.

Take a stand for our wild places and wildlife today by urging your representative to vote NO on H.R. 1459.

H.R. 1459 would make it a lot harder for the president to designate wonderful wild places like the Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Giant Sequoia, and Death Valley as national monuments and limit the number of places that can be protected. But there's absolutely no good reason to restrict the protections of the few wild places we still have left.

This bill could lead to special interests like oil, gas, coal, timber, and other companies developing our public lands, leaving our most important wild places unprotected and the wildlife that live in these areas potentially homeless.

The House is expected to vote on the bill any day now. Please ask your representative to vote NO on H.R. 1459!

Although many of our most iconic places have been protected as national monuments, many others are still at risk. We can't afford to make any compromises on future protections. We need to preserve these precious places as national monuments for wildlife that call them home and for generations to come.

Thanks again for all you do.


Kevin Curtis

Picture of wildcats
Bobcats reside in national monuments like the Grand Canyon and Joshua Tree. Photo by Summer M. Tribble

Urge your representative to protect our wildlife and the few remaining wild places we have left and vote NO on H.R. 1459 today!