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Buzz and Ruby are Together Once Again
June 20: Buzz released after hospital stay

A complete report will follow in a day or two, following a chance to recover, analyze my notes and notes generously contributed by others, and download and analyze my photographs and replenish my energy cells, exhausted in my body and my cell phone.

What is important is that shortly after 11 a.m. Buzz was released at Danehy Park. He sat on the ground for what seemed like minutes; made a short, low flight into a short, nearby tree. He spent minutes that seemed more like hours, half hidden in that tree, getting his bearings, preening his plumage, and breathing fresh air without bars for the first time in almost two months. He also experienced the wrath of Robins and grackles who screamed at the camouflaged hawk and made his life somewhat miserable.

While Buzz was reconnoitering in the tree, HIM and Ruby soared high over Rindge Towers. Very high. HIM did a spectacular 90 degree (okay, may 80 degree) plunge stoop from around 500 ft high to beneath the horizon while Ruby watched. Did they know Buzz was there? Did he know they were there?

When Buzz finally flew, he flew low to the east northeast. Minutes later he beat a hasty retreat west southwest, flying by low and surprisingly quick. On his tail was an unidentified Redtail, who pulled up short a bit west of Danehy. We weren’t sure at first that the first bird was Buzz, and who was the second Redtail? Then we saw a third Redtail soaring to the east. Who was THAT? Then the second and third Redtails began soaring together, with the male sashaying to the western edge of Danehy. Buzz had apparently crossed the boundary into the territory of the St. John Redtails, who made it very clear to him that he was NOT welcome. What we subsequently learned was Buzz disappeared to the west southwest, where he apparently landed on Social Security, one of his favorite perches.

About three hours later, after much of nothing and nobody, and some very tense three -Redtail action in Buzz’s home territory, I saw what I thought was Buzz fly from the area of Fresh Pond Mall towards the Social Security building on Fawcett. We hurried down Fawcett from the nest to Social, to discover two Retails sitting on the primary antenna on the roof. Buzz and Ruby, together. Looking at each other. Together again.
Ruby perched above Buzz, looking down on him. She then dismounted the antenna, retreating to the edge of the building and Buzz remained on the antenna, one of his favorite perches for years, surveying the boundary ands to the south, the woods of Fresh Pond Reservation. Some people cried with happiness. Others said they just could not believe it, but they were so happy.

Buzz and Ruby were back together.

NOTE: Somehow, Buzz appears to have lost several inner primaries on his left wing, so he is easily identifiable in flight at some distance. Ruby lost a secondary about mid-wing on her right wing. HIM is not missing any feathers to my knowledge. Buzz’s throat appears to have lightened a bit in his days in stir, but the rest of his head and neck is much darker than Ruby’s or HIM’s. About 4 o’clock Buzz flew to the west in a somewhat labored flight. He looked tired; he had not flown like that in two months. But then he circled low over the wood grove at Abt, his nest site, in a dramatic stutter flight proclaiming his territory, his mate, and perhaps just euphoria at being back on HIS territory with Ruby.

Buzz IS back!


Paul M. Roberts
Medford, MA