The Alewife Reservation, its significant wildlife populations, and associated wetlands and woodlands are an important natural resource for all of Cambridge; the area now borders a large proposed development; and
The Alewife Reservation and associated wetlands and uplands provide important floodwater storage capacity for Cambridge and Arlington; and
The health of the Alewife Reservation is dependent on ecologically sound understanding of property up-gradiant from it, to include the multi-acre, privately owned Belmont Uplands forest; and
The Belmont Uplands are currently under consideration for a comprehensive permit to be developed; and
Development of the Belmont Uplands could have severe negative consequences for the Alewife Reservation and associated Cambridge wetlands that border these uplands, and floodwater storage; now therefore be it
That the Cambridge City Council go on record as opposing any development in the Belmont Uplands that does not fully protect the Alewife Reservation; and be it further
That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the City's appropriate departments of Community Development and Cambridge Conservation Commission to respond fully to the Belmont Zoning Board of Appeals process now ongoing in Belmont. |