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Monitoring Alewife in winter — The good and bad news by Robert Stymeitz of Mass Birds The Robin roost was estimated at just 485 birds and NO Starlings, this is the lowest # at Alewife. I don't know if that new building has anything to do with it. (or maybe the birds can read signs to STAY OUT, why is it posted in such a way- I never feel comfortable there birding- used to go much more often) The really nice bird was a male Shoveler at Blair Pond (still there), four Hooded Mergansers and a Great Blue Heron there as well as the 10-15 Mallards. The Peregrine was nearby on the Rindge Tower Building. Another find was a DEAD female Fisher Cat picked up Wednesday near the corner of Mass Ave and Alewife Brook Pkway. It was brought to the Museum of Comparative Zoology. I have yet to see a live fisher in the state."
Bob Stymeist |