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Preserving Alewife Reservation
video against development around Alewife Reservation
Far Forum Spring 2013
photo of Ellen Mass at forum
Silver Maple Forest Concert
Silver Maple Forest Concert
Flooding at Discovery Park - Alewife Reservation

Thanks to Darrell King for these photos of flooding in Discovery Park in 2008, the area where Bullfinch plans to build.

flooding in Discovery Park

flooding in Discovery Park

flooding in Discovery Park
poster: Alewife Reservation Save Our Flood Plain Forest poster: Preserve Our Urban Wild At Alewife Reservation poster: Save Our Flood Plain Forest Alewife Reservation poster: Save Our Flood Plain Forest Belmont Just Say No
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Mission of
Friends of Alewife Reservation
The Alewife Reservation is a unique natural resource for the communities of Belmont, Arlington and Cambridge and home to hundreds of species, including hawks, coyotes beavers, snapping turtles, wild turkeys and muskrats, the reservation is a unique natural resource for the community. Friends of Alewife Reservation works to protect and restore this wild area and the surrounding area for the water quality, native plants, animals and over 90 bird species with paths for walking, running and biking, recreation, and for classroom education and research. We regularly steward and preserve the Reservation area for wildlife and for the enjoyment of present and future generations.
photo of nature walk
186 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 304
Cambridge, MA 02138

FAR Office
Online Tour
Right now,
view the wildlife-rich North Trail of Alewife Reservation.
Alewife Master Plan
Review the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Master Plan for Alewife Reservation.